Making Fried Bologna Sandwiches with Mason Hereford

They say never ever cook bacon with your shirt off, however what about bologna?
Mason Hereford, owner of , goes bare-chested for this on frying America's preferred meat sausage. Hereford tells us produce the best toasted sandwich bread, buttering suggestions, and the importance of mayo touching your lettuce.

You can find the dish listed below or in Hereford's cookbook ": Taste Trippin' in New Orleans."

Check out the here –

Best of luck ripping that mic from your fuzzy chest, Mason.

Introduction 00:00
The best bread 00:45
Shredduce 02:14
Frying the bologna and including cheese 02:23
Constructing the sandwich 03:04
Chowin' down and other shenanigans 04:26

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Making Fried Bologna Sandwiches with Mason Hereford

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. if a guy who looks like this makes you a fried bologna sandwich you know it’s gonna hit

    1. @SomeKidFromBritain
      The explanation is not politically correct…
      Hint: no shirt (or wife beater undershirt/sleeveless vest, would have worked)
      Slight belly overhanging his jeans with the underwear (pants) showing.
      Lots of random looking tats (I’m sure they mean something to him)
      Mullet long hair in back
      Baseballs cap…..
      Bologna sandwiches
      Dukes Mayo (specifically)
      Kinda a shot a poorer white Southerners ….
      But lots of people eat bologna sandwiches and fried bologna as well.
      It’s good that way with eggs.
      Think American equivalent of a salmon paste or tinned corned beef butty.
      Fancied up 🤷🏼‍♀️🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧

  2. Mason is such a nice guy! Glad I got to meet that guy when they did the pop up in Portland a few years ago, also I’m still rocking the the turkey and the wolf hat from the Eem visit!

  3. LMAO I love the no shirt version! Oh and looks like a really awesome sandwich too 🙃

  4. I was just watching some serious culinary cooking channels and then I came over to this and this guy made me consider stuff other cooks never did in a video about how to make a sandwhich. Like the thickness of the bread and the Mayo and lettuce being next to each other and how even the bread is a component and not just what you need in the first place to make the sandwhich. Great video!

    1. Shows what happens when you apply a deep understanding of culinary techniques to anything. Even something often seen as low brow like a bologna sandwich. I recommend watching any video with Hereford in it. He is even on the reboot of iron chef America on Netflix I think.

  5. This would be Miles Tellers’ hippy cousin who didn’t make it into the new Top Gun but just couldn’t let go of the idea

  6. Looks like a great sandwich. I wish your restaurants FB page was more active. I liked it from some previous video and it looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time.
    I’m going to have to try this one at home.

  7. You have boosted my confidence making food with no shirt on now 🤣. Also bologna was my go to as a kid but yeah this is adult style version 🤟

  8. If you showed me a picture of this dude with no context and asked me “what do you think his favourite meal is” I’d probably say “idk, a bologna sandwich and beer?”

  9. THANKS for kicking it up a knotch with bologna sandwiches. I learn something new every day! 🤗

  10. HILARIOUS!! Love the term “shreddice” and Dukes has to touch – 🤣🤣🤣

  11. My man Mason, you coulda sold me ice in a blizzard with your shirt off, absolutely getting your cookbook.

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