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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. jum is such a ninny brit word.. just gonna be some chili jam on me JUM mate..

  2. How about you give everyone who spent £5 buying your first app a refund, seeing as it was deleted within 6 months!!!

  3. £2.99 a month? that’s hilarious 🤣. You’re a week early for April fools day but this is a classic 🤡

    1. Just look at his body shape. Over the years he turned from Chad to Slob. There is no passion anymore, it’s “smart” business now, but he lost my respect months ago.

    2. A Monthly fee for idea that do not change, what a joke. Any old lady with give you a recipe on a scrap of paper and be happy you took it.

  4. Secret tactic. Subscribe for one month, screenshot all the recipes, then cancel subscription

  5. Is that the price of coffee in the UK? Sounds reasonable to me. Don’t know what you guys are going on aboot.

  6. I liked your content better during the Naked Chef and Jamie At Home periods… the latest stuff on your channel, especially this promo stuff, just isn’t cutting it for me tbh…

  7. 저도 요리 동영상 찍고 싶긴 한데, 이런 저런 일이 있다는 핑계가 있어요. 제이미 올리버 가족 모두 사랑해요.^_^

  8. 참, 빵이나, 디져트 같은 거 좋아하는데, 제이미가 그런 레시피를 보여주시고 계셔서 좋아요. 그렇다고, 너무 저한테 맞추지 마시고, 제이미 하고 싶은 거 해요.^_^

  9. Sorry, I’m just admiring the beautiful weather there! Rhubarb…yah, see that in 3 month’s time….we’re still covered in snow and freezing cold here in Central Newfoundland. We still get snow into May sometimes lol

  10. Hola jaime soy de Aguascalientes mexico siempre me fascinado como cocinas desde que tenias tu programa en tu departamento y tocabas con tu banda

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