Sweet Leek Veggie Carbonara | Jamie Oliver’s Meat-Free Meals

If you're searching for a simple tasty pasta dish, this veggie take on a carbonara is sure to be a family preferred! Extracting texture and sweet taste from very finely sliced leeks, you'll be entrusted a light and creamy carbonara sauce to wrap around your spaghetti– so excellent. But don't take my word for it … try!

Check out the full and more here:

This section initially aired on Channel 4 as part of "Jamie's meat Free Meals" (2019 ). Catch up on Jamie reveals at www.channel4.com

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Sweet Leek Veggie Carbonara | Jamie 's Meat-Free Meals

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. ‘What’s happening mother?’

    ‘Jamie Oliver declares war on Italy. The Holy War begins.’

  2. Interesting and quick, might have to try it. I love leeks if cooked right, so easy to get it wrong

  3. I can’t eat smoked bacon so this alternative carbonara looks worth trying. Thank you. 🇬🇧

    1. @@SomeKidFromBritain anything smoked upsets my stomach so I steer clear.🇬🇧

    2. @@SomeKidFromBritainhealth conditions, religious/ethical practices, allergies. these are some reasons why someone can’t eat smoked bacon. I hope that clears up your apparent confusion.

  4. This would make a fantastic meal for one. In a meals for one book on a cost of living budget. Not sure what the ingredients would be for just one person tho

  5. какая красивая сковородка! и простой рецепт

  6. Оооо Джонни Оливер приветствую вас. Я уже думала потеряли с вам связь Но ура вы в ютубе жаль перевода нет. Люблю вас вашу простую и классную кухню❤ ❤❤❤❤❤

  7. I’ve done this recipe myself a fair few times and I can say it is absolutely delicious

  8. Wow looks so delicious. I have leeks ready to harvest on my allotment. Thanks Jamie

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