Mushroom Carbonara | Jamie Oliver | ONE

Far from timeless however a nice little spin on the with mushrooms and rosemary, this pan marvel is absolutely worth a go! Dish from Jamie's most current book and the brand-new TV program airs Monday nights on Channel 4, UK.

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Wow this looks absolutely delicious and tempting 😍😋. Excellent presentation and preparation. Thank you for a lovely share Jamie Oliver❤

  2. This is very innovative and looks delicious, but whisking that egg in the miniature bowl vexed me.

    1. Just make it. Not as hard as you’d think! But it’s not a game change, in my eyes.

  3. Джейми смотрели по телевизору много лет, он для нас родной ❤❤❤🖐Абхазия !!!

  4. That’s my kinda dinner, easy to rustle up, delicious and it’s one pan meaning less utensils to clean!!

  5. The dish looks absolutely stunning and I will definitely give it a shot. What I don’t like is camera work. How on earth can they make a clip that 50% of the time is out of focus so you can’t see anything and the other time it’s so zoomed in even the dish is asking for personal space.

    1. Yes who cares if Jamie can add anything as its become delicious. We should thanks Jamie 😊

  6. 2:04 – Jamie, I know you are reading from a teleprompter, but cutting lasagna into slices, boiling them in the pan, chopping mushrooms and sauteeing them for 10 minutes (yes, that’s how long it takes, not half a minute using video editing magic), and plucking up a rosemary branch is definitely not as quick as making the god damn classic carbonara which used 3 ingredients: eggs, pecorino cheese and guanciale or pancetta.

  7. repeat after me Jamie. To call a pasta Carbonara I use Guanchalle , Peccorino , black peper and eggs. Also maybe I boil my pasta like a nonalien…

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