Eggless Malted Chocolate Pudding | एगलेस मॉल्टेड चॉकलेट पुडिंग | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana



1/2 cup malted chocolate
1 cup refined flour (maida).
1 tablespoon instant coffee powder.
1/2 cup granulated sugar.
2 tbsps cocoa powder.
2 tsps baking powder.
1/2 tsp salt.
1/4 cup melted butter.
3/4 cup milk.
Icing sugar for dusting.


1. Preheat the oven at 160 ℃.
2. Take improved flour, add instantaneous coffee powder, granulated sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, melted butter and milk and whisk till well combined.
3. Transfer into an oven evidence bake dish till 3/4 filled. Sprinkle malted chocolate on top. Pour 1 cup warm water and place it in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.
4. Bring the pudding out of the oven and dust the icing sugar. Serve warm.

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Eggless Malted Chocolate Pudding | एगलेस मॉल्टेड चॉकलेट पुडिंग | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Wow sir delicious 😋🤤 apki recipe follow karti hu thanks For sharing 😊 I will try definitely.

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