How to Boil Water

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There are easy jobs and then there are extremely basic jobs. is even simpler than that. However hey, nobody's calling you a moron– there's a very first time for everything.

Action 1: Pick
Select a with a higher volume than the quantity of you plan to boil. Do so in private, so nobody's there to say, "Uh, duh."

Step 2: Pour water
Put fresh, cold faucet water into the pot. Ensure there's at least 3 inches of space in between the rim of the pot and the surface of the water.

If you're water to cook with (and not just for enjoyable) you'll be adding something to it, so be sure to leave enough space for whatever you're cooking, too.

Action 3: Place pot on burner
Turn the burner to high, position the pot on the burner, and cover the pot with a lid that fits comfortably. This keeps in the heat and helps the water boil faster.

Step 4: Watch the pot
They say a seen pot never boils, however that's not literally true. Initially, steam will form in between the water and the cover; next, small bubbles will appear around the bottom and edges of the pot; finally, the bubbles will end up being big enough to break the surface area of the water

Step 5: Boil water.
As soon as large bubbles are streaming in constant streams from the bottom to the top of the pot, the water is boiling. That's it! You've done it! Cue the trumpets and congratulate yourself– you're at least as clever as a not-so-smart monkey.

Did You Know?
Boiling water is really hot.

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


    1. No- I actually didn’t know if I was gonna end up burning the house down or not💀

  1. 90% came for the meme

    9% came here cuz they dont know how to

    1% came here by mistake

    1. And here i am! 0,00001% who needed to check if video “how to boil water” exist 😁

  2. My water was on *FIRE* ! But don’t worry, I managed to stop the fire now I’m *EATING* my water peacefully.

    1. Jokes on you. subconsciously that’s why I click on all yt vids at this point

  3. I think I’m one of the few people who actually looked this up to see how to boil water.

    1. I came because I forgot what constitutes a low boil and the cacodemons and I wanted to make our own nog

  4. Before this video, I used to boil the water so much that it evaporated and I used to inhale this gas. Thank you . Very much helpful 🙌

  5. It was alot mistakes in my old recipe, now I am fully trained 👍🏻
    Thank alot 🙏

  6. Tip : Once the water is boiling, you can put it in the freezer, so you’ll have boiling water ready for later

    1. @ScaryGengar lol they couldn’t tell you were joking 😂 they were double r/wooshed 😂

  7. This may have been funny in 2008 but in 2021 my 13-year-old son actually asked this. This is a very useful video, thank you for uploading. We can hardly wait the next episode on: How to buy bread.

  8. THANK YOU!! I have been struggling for so long with this and now I have someone to help me through the process. Gone are the days of staring at a cold pan of water. If it isn’t too much trouble could you please make a video of how to cool it off?

  9. I have been burning my water for the past 6 years, This video really helped me. Thank you

  10. Thanks,
    I am gonna try this very delicious and healthy recipe.

    Edit: I screwed up the first time, I somehow baked the water

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