ONE Pan Aubergine Burger | Jamie Oliver | #short

If you believe you do not like this will alter your mind – crispy, tacky flavours all prepared in for one impressive lunch break treat. Recipe from Jamie's brand-new book ONE.

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| Jamie Oliver | #short

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Loving the vegetarian focused recipes! You can always swap the Parmesan to make it vegetarian

  2. Give what a try? The video is literally just a handful of random cooking scenes. Where is the recipe, or anything at all?

    1. If you were to read the description you’d see that the recipe is in his new cookbook.

    2. @AltAxial He or his managers need to get with the times or get left out to dry.

  3. Jamie, can you try the chicken wings in Hot Ones show? I want you to be in Hot Ones show

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