Healthy Dosa Recipe/ Drumstick Leaves Dosa/ Murungai Keerai Dosai

# dosavarieties # healthybreakfast # dindigulfoodcourt.

Drumstick Leaves Dosa.

Oil– 1 teaspoon.
Cumin seeds– 1/2 teaspoon.
Pepper– 1/2 teaspoon.
Fennel seeds– 1/4 teaspoon.
Garlic cloves– 3.
Little piece of ginger.
Dry chilli– 2.
Curry leaves.
2 handfuls of drumstick leaves.
– 2 cups.

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Hi pa how are you?? Different and healthy dosa….super i will try pa😊😊

  2. Romba healthyana keera mam iron sathu naraya iruku pasanga poriyal panna sapda matanga ipdi senju kudutha sapduvanga. Semmaya iruka mam. 👌👌👌❤❤😍😍

  3. Wow, very interesting! I love your channel. You cook the best food and lack of voice and music are so soothing.
    The Drumstick tree or Moringa is a very useful tree. We use the drumstick beans in sambar but did you know you could eat the flowers and leaves too. The seeds produce an oil that is very good for hair and skin. Look up Burmese Drumstick Soup and Thai soups for other ideas.

    Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have about as much potassium as a banana, and about the same amount of vitamin C as an orange. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. A high amount of protein too. Moringa leaves are natural cleansers and help to detoxify the system. This helps to keep the body and increases immunity against various infections. They also increase the energy levels in the body.

    The leaves also contain good amounts of B vitamins such as vitamin B6 (60% DV) and riboflavin (39% DV) which function as co-enzymes in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Moringa leaves are rich in minerals, especially iron (22% DV) and manganese (53% DV). Iron is essential for red blood cell production, especially good for vegetarians. The small leaves of Moringa pack a full punch of nutrients which contain more protein than eggs, more iron than spinach, more vitamin A than carrots, and more calcium than milk.

    Pregnant people and children should not take moringa in any form, as not enough research has been done in these populations. Always speak with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement. Moringa has been used as a galactagogue (something that increases milk supply) in Asia.

    Eat more Moringa!

  4. திண்டுக்கல் உணவு என்றாலே சிறப்பு…

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