Eggs, Every Way: Fried, Scrambled, Poached, Boiled, Omelet | You Can Cook That |

might appear actually simple to make, and they are, however there is a difference between an cooked the proper way versus the incorrect method. With some helpful ideas and some easy kitchen skills, whether fried, rushed, poached, boiled or in a delicious omelet, no matter how you choose your , Nicole is here to show the best way to prepare them.

#Eggs #HowTo #Recipes #YouCanCookThat #Allrecipes

00:00 Intro
00:43 Fried
05:56 Boiled Egg
07:28 Boiled Egg with a Runny Yolk
07:45 Fundamental Omelette
09:52 Poached Egg

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Chef and mama of three, Nicole McLaughlin, will share all the cooking essentials– plus some things you may have missed– as she walks you through detailed videos that consist of kitchen area suggestions, food facts, and cooking techniques.

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Eggs, Every Method: Fried, , Poached, Boiled, Omelette|You Can Prepare That|

Eggs, Every Way: Fried, , Poached, Boiled, Omelet | You Can Cook That |

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. all the eggs looks perfect executed , well done especially the egg Benedict 👏🏻👍🏻

  2. Beautiful job, Nicole! Your opinion is the same as mine when it comes to scrambled eggs! Can’t eat a hard scramble or those breakfast sandwiches from fast food places! Most favorite of all of course, is a beautiful Eggs Benedict and yours looked luscious! You can crack your egg into a tiny strainer before poaching to get rid of the really runny part of the white that tends to turn into strings. Makes for a prettier poached egg. 😍

  3. You are spot on the only thing I don’t do is the vinegar in the water I have the same result without it. Very nice loved the video 👍👍👍

  4. I must be in the minority because almost nothing nauseates me more than a runny, yolky , egg.

  5. Your using a Teflon pan, u put salt on eggs in pan. This tells me u shouldn’t b making videos on the subject.☹️

  6. Never thought to add more butter at the end for scrambles, but I always do large curd versus dried up balls. I use the whirlpool method for poaching. My hack for hard-boiled is same time off-heat as cool water time, 10-12 minutes (ice bath unecessary) Using the butt of the thumb to peel. I also find that once you crack the egg from the wide bottom, and rolling it against the side of the sink for a gentle crack, then if you turn the egg to its other pole in your hand and begin peeling from there, it comes off a lot easier. I don’t know why, but it works for me.

  7. I went and made them all and I FINALLY had a poached egg!!! Thanks wild woman lol

  8. You are spot-on about eggs being one of the first things you cook. Literally the first thing I learned to cook. Love me some scrambled eggs but you really can’t go wrong. Also loved eggs in the hole (what we called it) as a kid. Where you cut a hole in a slice of bread and cook the egg in the middle. All looked perfect here! 🤤👌🏼

  9. My secret ingredient for scrambled eggs is to tear up and fold in a slice of American cheese at the beginning, so it’s melts into the egg. Everyone loves my scrambled eggs!

  10. I’m speechless. Your fried eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelets are just like mine. The only difference is, they never get peppered until they reach the table.

  11. Süper 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

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