How to Steam Broccoli

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Link to the Written Procedure/Recipe for this Video:

About this Video:
Soaked is quite darn gross. It's no wonder individuals don't like the little green trees. If you have them appropriately steamed, where they have a small crunch to them, it's an entire different veggie. Here, we reveal you quickly and easily them as part of our area. Here's broccoli to that best doneness.


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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. You were very funny in your offtakes. Thank a lot for your very good video on broccoli.

    1. I didnt like that. I hate cursing. we are no babys any more to say poo poo

    2. @Adevăr Iubire apple a cold wet towel over the burned area

  2. wow! you are a funny and attractive broccoli steaming tutorial guide! I very much enjoyed the swearing, I frequently partake in un-rehearsed, and uncontrollable bouts of swearing whilst cooking as well fine Lady! thank you for your video!

  3. Loved it, Now I know how. Always over cooked it. Love your personality as well. Specially walking down the stairs. Love that humor. My daughter liked your web. She past 2 weeks ago. God bless and continue with your recipies she would have loved that.

    1. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Im lucky and thankful that me and my daughter have been cooking together lately and trying to capture my mothers talent in the kitchen. Shes been gone for 10 years. And by the way my daughter looks just like the girl in the video

  4. I love how she emphasized how hot everything was and then just picked one of the broccoli up with her bare hand 😂

  5. Makes Dana Carvery joke “Streaming Broccoli!” ✓
    Broccoli facial joke ✓
    Staircase behind table gag ✓

    Where do I go to find and marry a woman like this?

  6. thanks for this video, I live on my own for the first time and I legit had no idea how to prepare broccoli lmao

  7. New subscribers right here. I just made steam broccoli and it was hot as shiiiiiit!

  8. Outtakes are my favorite. Who cares if you’re having fun! There are too many serious cooking channels.

  9. Never thought I’d hear someone say “Oh yeah broccoli facial” in my entire life

    1. Sometimes you never thought of many things Doomeyz! Sometimes you never thought at all…

    2. Didn’t think Doomguy would go into culinary arts after defeating hell

  10. This was so funny. 😂😂 Thankyou for the ‘steaming 🥦🥦🥦broccoli ! ‘ Video 🎥 (facial) 🤢

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