how to fry the perfect pork chop

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Perfect….*_PERFECT!!!_*  I must have watched a dozen videos and everyone else’s chops are pale.  I’m not saying they were undercooked….just pale….no good coloring on them.  These look *_so_* tasty and delicious!!!!  Don’t forget to make the gravy! 😉

  2. Hi Keto. I also use gloves when handling chicken and pork. its easier for me and makes clean up so much easier as well. Also I like beinv able to have that “second skin” if I need to take off my gloves and get something.

    1. +keto no argument there, that’s for sure! LOL 🙂
      awesome vid and great cooking!

  3. They look tasty. I’m tempted to try it out though worried I might screw it up lol.

  4. I’ve always wondered about the benefits of mixing butter and oil; thanks for the info. I am adding a little garlic powder.

    1. +June JulyAugust Nice addition. I quite like garlic. Cooking is all about experimentation

  5. Thank youuu for showing me another way to cook pork chops. My little girl gobble them up😊☺The butter have them soo much flavor

  6. I tried this right after watching. Didn’t go exactly like your video. My chop had bone. Chop was perfectly browned when I turned it the first time so I did the same thing on the other side. I just had one problem…..I only made one chop and when it was gone I wanted 3 or 4 more! Best damn pork chop I ever had. I was surprised at how tender it was.  Really good recipe. Butter, olive oil, salt and pepper. Simple, easy and delicious. I always thought grilling was better than pan frying, but after tonight I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to be eating a lot more pork chops.

    1. +Rat Man Thank you. They are a staple for my families menu. The kids love them. Ièm glad you like them too

  7. I made these tonight for my husband I do NOT eat pork but since it’s his birthday AND bc I’m a great wife 😉 I made these and they turned out fantastic!! thank you so much!!! I still won’t wpeat pork though lol but I’ll make it for him anytime!

  8. I made 4 bone in pork chops from Whole Foods and made your way but tweeked it with sauteed butter cubes and did use olive oil and Dash seasoning and fresh ground pepper. The family and I loved it. Thanks for the video.

  9. You’re a legend. This video is over two years old and you are still going through comments giving people tips and praising them

  10. To use freshly ground pepper, I usually grind a bunch into a dish and season from that.

  11. Just saw this video. My friends and I love eating pork chops. Thanks for this wonderful video I will do exactly what u did. God bless! 🙂

  12. Thank you! Great video! Very inspiring. I’m gonna go try some pork chops now! 🙂

  13. Hello. Thank you so much for your video. I made the most amazing pork chops because of you. I did buy some Roasted Garlic olive oil
    that really added to the flavor of the chops. Thank you again.

    1. nice to hear. I’d like to try that myself some time. hmmm… i wonder how hard it is to make?

  14. generously season

    first salt, all of it, rub it in

    secondly, a season on top of the salt

    salt is the first layer

    second layer should be cajun seasoning, then an Italian seasoning ( substitute for what you like )

    use an oven not stove top

    350-375 for thicker pork chops…

    400 for thin

    thick ones take 20 minutes in oven

    put foil on the tray, rub oil evenly on the tin foil…

    a piece of butter on each pork chop

    but on lowest level of stove, cover the pork chops with Foil …

    after its done cooking, turn off heat, let sit inside oven for 5 minutes, take out, let sit for 5-10 more minutes,

    cut like a steak 🙂 enjoy

  15. YUMMY!!! I’m sure those chops are delicious!!! But, I was always taught not to mix cooked and raw meats in the pan.

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