Halloween Pumpkin Risotto | Gennaro Contaldo

Delighted Halloween! This year, 's got the best dish to consume those pumpkins. This silky risotto will heat up any cold night, it's extremely easy to make and an actually flexible meal. For loads more and motivation head to jamieoliver.com

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Thanks Gennaro for making me laugh. I know Halloween is tomorrow but it’s never too early. Anyway, I am feeling overwhelmed at the moment . You see, there was a lot going on: Yesterday there was a typhoon in the Philippines and now today in Korea, there was a stampede in Itaewon before Halloween tomorrow and now Halloween’s cancelled this year in Korea.. 🙁

  2. Gennaro is such a humours chef ever. Thank you for the best laugh, you made my day better.

  3. Gennaro bickering with Carluccio even in his grave is surprisingly wholesome. We miss him!

  4. love it 😂😂😂❤❤🎉🎉 plz keep upload fresh italian dishes 😊

  5. How funny is that?🎃i have a big pumpkin from my garden at home and now i have a fabulous recipe from dear Gennaro chef cook !❤🤩so delicious😋and easy to cook, Grazie mille !💯

  6. Man, Gennaro is the grandpa we all wish we had <3. God bless you Gennaro :).

  7. I love how he yells at us and tells us what to do with pumpkins the next day after the holiday
    “Nahhhhh I didn’t loss anything!”
    So charming

  8. 😂😂soooooooooooooo nice to see uncle Gennaro so healthy and happy!🎉🎉🎉

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