Can’t cook, won’t cook | Jamie’s Ministry of Food | Part 2

In this episode Jamie attempts to teach his students the fundamentals of cooking. Will cooking for the town be a success?

The series was based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Jamie intended to make the town "the culinary capital of the United Kingdom" and tried to get the town's inhabitants to find out how to prepare fresh food and establish healthy eating as part of life.

Jamie's of Food initially aired on . If you're based stream Jamie programmes on All 4

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Can't , won't | Jamie's of Food | Part 2

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. At our school in seventh grade we had cooking classes. They taught us very simple dishes (rice, pancakes, spaguetti and tomato sauce, semola pudding) And the graded not just the result, but leaving everything crean and tidy. It was a good experience and really helpful

  2. Wow I never thought that Jamie would do something like this, great Project and I wish you the best sucess

  3. I wish you the best sucess Jamie. you are my idol. I hope that i can make the same succes as you and grow my skills, my channel and my private life as well ❤❤👍👍👍👏👏

    1. Isn’t that a 🤏 self-promoting?

      Short answer – yup. 🤣

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