Aval Shake | अवल शेक | Healthy Shake | Kerala Recipe | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Brown flattened rice gets a sassy transformation, as a shake. It is nutty and filling with peanuts including a light crunch.


1/2 cup pressed brown rice (poha).
4 ripe yellow bananas.
3 tbsps sugar.
8 tsps roasted and peeled peanuts + for garnish.
Ice cubes as needed.
2 cups milk.


1. Dry roast the pushed wild rice till crisp in a non-stick pan. Transfer on a plate and allow to cool. Reserve some for garnish.
2. Peel the bananas, break them into pieces and include into a container. Add sugar and muddle with a wooden muddler till well mashed.
3. Add 2-3 tbsps mix into individual serving glasses. Add 2 tsps roasted peanuts into each glass together with a part of roasted pushed brown rice. And blend well.
4. Include ice cubes and top with 1/2 cup milk in each glass, mix well and garnish with roasted peanuts and roasted pushed brown rice.

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


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