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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. “It wasn’t fair to you, and more importantly to the donkeys.” I am laughing so hard😂

    1. I always thought it that way 😂!! Donkeys are beautiful and hardworking!

    1. Still better than Ellen DeGeneres. Gordon is actually funny and from what I hear actually nice off the camera.

  2. Come on Chef Ramsey. We’ve all seen thru the BS and know that you’re a Sweetheart. The “donkeys “ and “F**k offs” make for great TV. Love you❤

  3. 😂😂😂😂 The donkeys and donuts are smiling 😃 Crack me up!

  4. Yooo how much did Supercell pay him? And he didn’t even mention Hayday he just put that small text at the end that nobody notices🤣

  5. He needs the white hoodie and sit on the floor in the living room. Isn’t that the YouTube apology setting? 🤣

  6. You can tell he’s chilled out quite a bit when watching the new Kitchen Nightmares

  7. That was the most passive aggressive apology I’ve seen since Crowder made his apology.

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