How to Cook Roast Chicken | Jamie Oliver

's got a recipe that is bound to get the royal seal of approval! All of us know that Harry & Meghan got engaged over this meal, so next time they need to follow 's suggestions to ensure it's ideal. Offer this a go and you'll never ever go wrong, getting juicy, herby, flavourful every time!

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Perfect Beef|Jamie Oliver |

Chicken in Milk?!|Jamie Oliver & Gennaro Contaldo |

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Cook Roast Chicken | Jamie Oliver

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Definitely doing this today. Dig the idea of the herbs and butter under the skin… Love your work Jamie ..

    1. @herrdoktorprofessor Chill, he never claimed to have invented this method! Lol.

    2. @herrdoktorprofessor he didn’t claim it’s original, people have been doing it for hundreds of years

    3. @Suck This Lol calm down Gordon fanboi. Jamie never claim it was his original idea

  2. Jamie, that is a beautiful roast chicken! Simple, with flavor galore, crispy skin, and the awesome gravy…a truly royal meal! Thank you for this and all your food transformations! Lovely lovely lovely Jamie!

  3. Jamie makes this look so easy. I’ve got my attempt in the oven now and the prep work was a solid hour (half of which was trying to ‘pop that little ball joint” twice. Sooo much connective tissue haha). My kitchen smells incredible though, and I’ve got some of his rosemary and red wine vinegar roasties in as well. Half an hour and it’ll be ready 🙂

  4. Love your enthusiasm Jamie! That video was inspiring and fun, I’m making this tonight!

  5. Tried this one last night. Surprised my wife on her birthday. This was my first try with any sort of baking. It turned out fantastic. Thanks a ton for posting this.

  6. I love the recipe! But do you know what I love most about your cooking Jamie from the first time I saw you on TV? Your passion and excitement. I thought I was the only one that got excited about the smell of a lemon or rosemary… Your passion and excitement are contagious! Thank you 🙂

  7. did it last night, but with sunflower oil and blitzing the herbs plus a bit of garlic, because I am not fond of butter. just as amazing really, probably the best roast chicken I have made or eaten! thanks Jamie!

    1. @Pablo Parra the thing is that sunflower oil may taste good but it’s extremely bad for your health, in the other hand olive oil is really good for your health! Just look it up.

    2. Thank you for the comment i was about to ask if its good to make it without butter👍

  8. “Everyone knows how to roast a chicken” no I don’t, that’s why I’m here

    1. อันนี้ก็ถูก…คือถ้ารู้ว่าทำยังไงก็ไม่ได้มาอยู่หน้าอย่างเง้อ่ะเจมมม hahaha 😅😅😅

    2. Turn oven to 180 or 190 degrees. Put chicken on metal rack, place rack in metal tray. Stick her in the oven for about 75 mins. You can chop some onions and carrots and sprouts around and on top of the chicken, or even IN the chicken. I’ve started not putting the veggies in at the beginning. 75 mins too much for those, so I take it out after about 1/2 an hour and put ’em in then. Then stick chicken back in for the remainder of 75 mins. I’d keep oven door closed when doing the veggie bit in the middle, to maintain temp. And I’m a rank beginner at this. Couldn’t believe how easy it was when I did it first.

  9. Thanks for the recipe. I’ve tried it and it’s amazing. The chicken is really delicious…i added some roasted potatoes and overall it turned out great. 😍

  10. I love roasted chicken. I thought I had a perfect recipe until now. This is the most moist, flavorful, delicious chicken I have ever made. The gravy is perfect, I could drink it, actually I did. Thank you very much for this recipe.

  11. I made this for Mother’s Day and both my parents couldn’t get enough. They said it was the best chicken they ever had! I was very proud of myself.

    1. Yaays!!! I love making food for the reletives!! Complements make the work, that much better!! Good show!!!

    2. Can you please teach me how to roast chicken in the oven?

      Be for you roast chicken in the oven,do you need to put cooking oil in the oven tray .

  12. Just made this recipe. Amazing. My first time roasting a whole chicken and it turned out amazing. Gravy was finger licking good too. Thanks Jamie.

  13. BRAVO! What a delicious roast chicken!!
    It’s the second time I’ve made it and I feel like a real chef with those techniques to add flavor.
    It’s a winner. I love you Jamie!

  14. I made this for Christmas and everyone loved it. Thank you Jamie for sharing this technique.

  15. Jamie, you delivered yet again mate! I followed this almost to the T, small variations but it still came out bangin!

  16. Thank you ☺️ Jamie, always inspiring me to cook great meals for my family!

  17. Jamie, you never seize to amaze!
    Done it and it receied accolades. Credit goes to you and your great passion for food and sharing that passion with others.

  18. I made this for the first time using your recipe and I’ve never tasted anything so juicy 😋

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