No Bake, No Gelatin, Cadbury Milk Chocolate Cheesecake Dessert | ASMR

No Bake, , Milk Dessert |

No Bake, , Cadbury Milk Dessert |

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. I like that this is a 3 min video with no background music just straight to the point !

    1. Samee

      Some background music are so annoying that I have even don’t watch the whole videos

    2. Hello my friend.. I will be very happy for you to join my semo asmr channel. Always remember that I try to make the videos that you like. I hope that you encourage me by subscribing to my channel. I hope that you like my videos.
      And don’t forget to say your opinion in the coments, because your opinion matters to me

    1. @IFRAH Thats cute, it would take me 1 minute (JK i wouldn’t even be able to take 5 bites bcs i will puke.)

    2. @octaviANO aNo 💖💖💖💖🌹🌹💖💖💖🌹💖💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💖💖🌹💖

  2. I”ll probably be like ,,one small bite for today “ and then ending up eating the whole thing

    1. @Z
      No, it can’t be that sweet. The texture might look like nutella but it’s mostly dairy.

  3. That pull with the spoon at the start is sooo satisfying,I love it and I will make this sometime in the future!

  4. There’s something satisfying with just the noises and no silly music.

  5. Cadbury Milk Chocolate Cheesecake Dessert | No Bake

    198g Cadbury Milk Chocolate
    2 Cups heavy cream
    ¾ cup condensed milk (-+)
    16 oz cream cheese (room temp)
    ½ tsp salt
    1 tsp vanilla

    Top layer:
    2/3 heavy cream (hot)
    226g chopped Cadbury dark milk chocolate (chopped)/ dark chocolate

    Don’t forget to subscribe, I love you all🥰🥰🥰

    For more yummy cake recipes: Easy Cake Series:

    1. @Krish Kusina heyy! Can i refrigerate the top layer of the chocolate instead of freezing it?

  6. Oh my…. im going to make these but with a christmas twist for dessert after Christmas dinner this year! Thanks for the wonderful recipe and idea!

  7. I just love Dairy Milk Chocolate….Always store it in my refrigerator ❤️

  8. I think I am in serious desert heaven! This is gonna be a must make; thank you!!! 💖❤💖

  9. That looks so good, and easy to make. I love Cadbury’s chocolate. Can’t wait to try this.

    1. Hello my friend.. I will be very happy for you to join my semo asmr channel. Always remember that I try to make the videos that you like. I hope that you encourage me by subscribing to my channel. I hope that you like my videos.
      And don’t forget to say your opinion in the coments, because your opinion matters to me

  10. Thank you for this amazing dessert.Looks mouth watering delicious. Even a beginner like me can make this😊

  11. Ням-ням!!! Вкуснятище!!!! Огромное спасибо за рецепт!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  12. Thank you for making this video so peaceful and ego/theatrics-free. So many cooking videos have overly loud people with huge fake smiles on their faces being so over the top and irritating.

    Your vid is perfection.

  13. I love this recipe, it’s gluten free and it looks wonderful. Thank you

  14. I LOVE my cadburry eggs thus I look forward to Easter season and stock up so definitely making this deliciousness. thank you

  15. So satisfying and relaxing
    Anyways I also tried it
    And it turned out to be sooooooooooooo delicious

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