Martha Stewart Teaches You How to Make Potatoes | Martha’s Cooking School S3E11 “Potatoes”

In this , Martha offers a primer on this favorite starch. She begins with , also called Potatoes Gratin: very finely sliced potatoes cooked in milk and baked in a cream mix with cheese. Next comes a recipe that's ended up being associated with American food: Potato Salad. Then, in case your go-to mashed potato dish needs an upgrade, Martha reveals a few tricks to accomplish the ideal Puréed Potatoes. Finally she demonstrates how, in just a couple of simple actions, anybody can make Smashed Potatoes– crispy on the outdoors, velvety on the within.

#MarthaStewart #Potatoes #HowTo #Side #Recipe #Food

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00:00 Intro
00:13 Make
5:27 Make Potato Salad
11:12 How To Make Puréed Potatoes
18:41 How To Make Smashed Potatoes
22:48 Perk Recipe– Two Times Baked Potatoes

Every Friday, just on MarthaStewart!

This originally aired on PBS as Martha Stewart's Cooking School Season 3 11

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Martha Stewart Teaches You How to Make Potatoes|Martha's Cooking School S3E11 "Potatoes".

Martha Stewart Teaches You How to Make Potatoes | Martha's Cooking School S3E11 "Potatoes"

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Wow very well explained how to cook potatoes in different ways keep it up let’s stay connected

  2. I’ve never thought of cooking potatoes with a steamer basket or using mesh strainer to purée. Great lesson today for even experienced home cooks.

  3. I watched Julia as a boy making mashed potatoes, she would get so excited , I use the old fashioned masher , with butter, milk , roasted garlic, sour cream and chives , you are very inspirational Martha im heading to Aldi right now to buy more potatoes, it’s only a 2 min walk, loved your tag sale show also , that was alot of stuff and it looked very successful and to a great cause, you are an American institution loved the world over

    1. I too prefer to use an old fashioned potato masher vs an electric mixer.

  4. I make smashed potatoes as a side with Christmas dinner. They’re a big hit! 🙂

  5. On my honeymoon we stayed in the best hotel and I had cold potato salad at lunch a couple of times. It was delicious. It was winter but who cares when you are young.

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