Yorkshire Pudding Megamix | Jamie Oliver

Timecodes and full links below!

Yorkshire puddings. No roast supper is complete without them! Once you have actually mastered the basic batter you can get imaginative and try out other recipes, so we have actually scoured the archives to bring you 3 dishes demonstrating simply that. Want best, fluffy Yorkies each time? These recipes will guarantee oohs and ahhs at your next Sunday roast!

0:02 Perfect Yorkshire Puddings
Complete here:

4:03 Giant Yorkshire Pudding
Complete recipe here:

15:33 Yorkshire Pudding & Smoked Trout
Complete recipe here:

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Yorkshire Pudding Megamix |

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. Thanks for so useful and valuable video as always ❤❤❤ I hope I can eat pudding like that one day 😊

    1. Hiya. I’m curious type of idiot so forgive me please.. Why could you not have yorkshire puds?

    2. @@Palmit_ Cause I am Korean 🥲 That kind of pudding is inevitably not mainstream in our country
      Even the recognition and interest of such pudding is unlikely here 😅

  2. The best ways to eat Yorkshire pudding is covered in gravy as part of a roast, or golden syrup, as a pudding…nom nom! Just sayin’ 😋

  3. I’m already Salivating. The crisp and yet soft “Flavour Sponge” makes any meal, Fantastic. (Excepting Chilli Jam)

  4. Give are kids school dinners back, ate jamy oliver luv mi turkey twizzlaz, aint on poor diet jus lyk em

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