All Of Gordon’s Disguises From Season 2! | 24 Hours To Hell & Back

Secret agents all across the world look up to and his dazzling disguises … possibly.

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All Of Gordon's Disguises From Season 2!|24 Hr To Hell & Back

#GordonRamsay #GordonRamsayRecipes #GordonRamsayCooking # 24HoursToHellAndBack.

All Of Gordon's Disguises From Season 2! | 24 Hours To Hell & Back

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. This aspect of 24 Hrs. is one I wish he carried over into the new Kitchen Nightmares. It was a fun twist.

    1. This is a great idea! I like it and what better way of catching people’ off guard and make them step up their cooking game among other things.

    2. Maitre d’ sees a 6′ 2″ old woman. “Excuse me, but by any chance are you Larry Bird’s mum?:

  2. “I’ve seen three ants dragging a hushpuppy across the ground” im dead🤣🤣

  3. Transforming a video in such a way is truly a unique art! It seems like you’re an artist beyond the culinary world. 👏🤗🧡

  4. What is so great about this is how Gordon tries overall to improve the quality of food and the dining experience for people to go out and have a good meal. Keep up the great work Gordon!

  5. It’s hard to believe that he’s on secretly mission with the cameramens around him.

    1. The camera crews are probably recording for days just gathering footage, and I’m sure they’re informed that Gordon is coming, they just don’t know when

  6. LOVE this!!! Spot on!! Bravo!!! LMOA but all jokes aside = VERY scary what we eat from the all too many restaurants out there! ‘LOVE the disguise idea = brilliant!

  7. 12:30 guess we’re in the universe where everything went so for Negan, he was able have lunch with Gordan Ramsay!😂😂😂

  8. LOVE GORDON! But why did he throw food on the ground when he found it gross😂😂

  9. And… this is why I cook at home! Good job Ramsey ❤ stay these food slop restaurants 👏

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