Martha Stewart’s Method for Stovetop White Rice | Martha’s Cooking School | Martha Stewart

For a versatile side dish, see how cooks plain white to fluffy perfection. A touch of butter and salt makes all the distinction in her sure-fire dish. This family-friendly side meal can be all set in a quick 16 minutes, so it's never ever too late to serve it with practically any meal.

#MarthaStewart #Rice #SideDish #Family #Recipe #

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00:00 Introduction
00:04 How To Wash Rice
00:34 How To Start The Classic Stovetop Technique
1:17 Adding Rice
1:49 Ending up The Rice
2:07 How To Fluff Rice
2:23 Outcome

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Martha Stewart's Method for Stovetop White Rice|Martha's School|Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart's Method for Stovetop White Rice | Martha's School | Martha Stewart

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About the Author: Yvette Cook


  1. السلام عليكم. ورحمة اخواني ميقدريساعدنايتواصل معناعلارقمناموجودعلاقناتي جزاكم الله خير يشهدالله يااهل الخيران من امس حتا ماقد اكلنا😭😢اسالكم لاتتركونا وان توقفومعنانحن اسره ايتام ونازحين ليس لنا احدفي هذالدنياغيرالله ثم انتم يااهل الخيرالله يجعلهافي ميزان حسناتكم٧٧

  2. Due to arsenic content, most cooking sources today are recommending cooking rice like pasta, in excess water. Then dumping out the excess water and a majority of the arsenic with it.

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